Hi! It’s a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Eliza (she/her) and I am a middle school teacher currently living and working in beautiful Victoria, BC. I grew up here and graduated from UVic with my Bachelor of Education in 2021, and now I am back to further my education and pedagogy as a teacher (well, and get a pay increase). Some of my passions include surfing, arts and crafts, travelling, literature, and anything outdoorsy. I live with my partner and our rescue dog, Luca. We enjoy hiking all together and spending time with family. One of my dreams right now is to write a book. I feel so grateful to get the summers off as a teacher, and I’m looking forward to learning all the things that this course has to offer me!

  • What interests you about social media and personalized learning? I am interested in how social media and personalized learning can be used as a tool for educational purposes and for connecting learning communities.
  • How do you currently use digital tools in your learning or professional life? In my profession as a teacher, I currently use a wide range of digital tools to complete daily tasks. I use the projector in my classroom, I run a Google Classroom for my class, I use AI to help me make worksheets,…etc.
  • What is your understanding of digital literacy and its importance in education? Digital literacy to me means the ability to use digital media in a safe and productive way. This is so important to teach to our younger generations, as they need to understand both the risks and advantages of being in the online world in order to protect themselves from digital harm.
  • Describe any experiences you have with Personal Learning Networks (PLNs). How do you plan to develop and utilize your PLN through this course? I had to make a PLN for a previous course in Ed Tech, so I am pretty familiar with them. I have experience posting blog posts, reviewing peers’ blog posts, commenting on posts, and more. I have also created the structures of multiple online courses for assignments in previous Ed Tech classes. I made one course on financial literacy and another course on online safety.