As a passionate teacher, I focused my research on teaching, using Instagram as my platform. I explored various learning communities by browsing through my teacher account (@mme_eliza) and checking out my favourite “teacher influencers.” This task was straightforward, as I already follow numerous inspiring accounts. I also discovered some new accounts that caught my interest, including those with Pinterest-perfect classrooms, exciting lesson ideas, classroom management advice, and comedic relief. The five accounts I explored in depth are: @teachingitreel, @getyourteachon, @bored_teachers, @pinkpencilmath, and @just.playsports. These accounts offer a mix of educational content, practical tips, and humour, essential for every teacher’s sanity!

Building Your Personal Learning Network (PLN)

To build my personal learning network (PLN), I primarily use Instagram, but I also plan to leverage platforms like Pinterest, and YouTube. Instagram allows me to connect with other educators and stay updated with trends and ideas through visually engaging content. Pinterest is a treasure trove of creative lesson plans and classroom ideas. YouTube offers in-depth tutorials and educational videos. These platforms collectively help me stay informed, inspired, and connected with the teaching community.

Setting Professional Goals and Engaging with the Community

Through my teacher Instagram account, I share photos of classroom activities, teambuilding games, crafts, field trips, funny moments, holiday fun, special accomplishments, organizational tips, book recommendations, classroom design, teacher hacks, humor, and lesson ideas. My goal is to engage with my community of followers by posting valuable content and participating in discussions. I plan to set professional goals such as attending online workshops, collaborating with other educators, and posting high-quality content to grow my network and contribute meaningfully to the PLN.

Protecting Your Information and Ensuring Ethical Behaviour

To protect my information and ensure ethical behaviour in my PLN, I maintain both a personal account and a professional account, both which are private accounts. I have found that it has been helpful to keep my personal and professional lives online separate, to ensure that I can post relevant and specific content. I’m cautious about sharing sensitive information and always seek permission before posting student-related content. Furthermore, I honour the privacy and consent of my students, so I don’t post pictures that show their faces, names, or other personal info. I use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication for added security. I also adhere to ethical guidelines by giving credit to original creators and avoiding any content that could be deemed inappropriate or unprofessional.

Privacy Concerns and Online Participation

Privacy concerns do affect my willingness to join online communities and share information. I’m mindful of the potential risks and take steps to protect my privacy. This includes using privacy settings, being selective about the information I share, and regularly reviewing my account’s security settings. While I’m eager to connect and share, maintaining a safe and trustworthy digital environment is always a top priority.