This is a response to Atalaya’s blog post #2

Atalaya, I really enjoyed reading about your perspective on digital identity and its many layers. Understanding digital identity as a mix of personal and professional aspects is crucial, especially within the lens of educational technology and personalized learning. The video you included had a lot of great points that I found really hit the nail on the head. It gave a succinct overview of what digital identity actually is and how we can better understand it.

Your method of using different platforms for personal and professional identities is smart. It lets you keep your private life separate while using other platforms for career growth. This distinction is key, especially since educational technology uses data from our online activities to personalize learning. By keeping personal accounts private and professional accounts focused on achievements and networking, we can ensure our online presence matches our career goals. Using different names for personal and professional accounts is a clever way to manage privacy as well. It helps create a clear boundary between the two, which is essential in today’s digital world. As you mentioned, it can be tough when friends and family post about you. It can be awkward sometimes (I’ve definitely had to have these kinds of conversations before), but it’s a good idea to talk to friends/family about your privacy preferences to avoid any issues between your personal and professional identities. In terms of educational technology, your plan to regularly update privacy settings and stay informed about new tools is great. Overall, your thoughtful and strategic approach to digital identity is a solid way to navigate life in the digital age. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!